Sunday 9 September 2007

How British libraries encourage Islamic extremism

reposted from Centre for Social Cohesion

A number of Councils have responded to the Centre for Social Cohesion’s report Hate on the State - How British libraries encourage Islamic extremism

Birmingham Council has denied that its library holdings are problematic. They claim in the Birmingham Mail that: ‘Many of the writings highlighted are historic and scholarly works.’ Indeed. But why the need for 60 different works by Maududi? Evidently Birmingham Council is pleased to continue so disproportionately providing the works of the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami in its Islamic sections.

Tower Hamlets meanwhile are standing firm in their desire to keep ‘Women who deserve to go to hell’ and the works of Abu Hamza available free of charge to their residents.

Among the reaction to the Centre’s work in the press are major pieces in the Telegraph, Sun and a lively column in the Daily Mail. In the blogosphere the report has been picked up by numerous sites including Little Green Footballs and Jihad Watch.

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